12 research outputs found

    Decision support system for the selection of horticulture crops

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    One effort to improve food security by cultivating horticulture crops. The cultivation of horticulture can provide direct benefits with personal user or sale. However, in the cultivation often occurs obstacles, It is to understand in determining the kind of horticulture crop which is good to be planted based on the condition of the region. Based on the problem it is necessary to do  research  on Decision  Support  System  for  The  Selection  of  Horticulture  Crop  with  Fuzzy Method  to  Increase  Food  Security.  Fuzzy  logic  is  suitable  for  incomplete  data  and  decision support system is used to find the optimal alternative of weights for every attribute that has been normalized by the fuzzy method. The objective of this system is able to provide information on appropriate horticultural crops and can improve productivity and food security

    Studi Komparasi Algoritma Naïve Bayes Classifier dan Radian Basis Function Network Untuk Pemodelan Tingkat Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Vokasi

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    Vocational education aims to prepare graduates who are directed to specific field skills in accordance with the business world and industry. The learning environment in vocational education is developed in accordance with the business world and the industrial world so it takes the involvement of students directly in the learning activities. One of the important factors that influence student involvement in learning activities is the factor that comes from within the student itself. Based on the importance of empowerment of achievement motivation in learning vocational education, then the required level of motivation achievement of students before the learning process. This study aims to compare two algorithms namely naïve bayes classifier and radian base function network which will be used to design a system that can model the level of student motivation to achieve. From the test results collected that the use of Radial Function Network gives better accuracy results. However, the researchers note that the difference in the value of the accuracy of both is not too high, only 1.65%, sehigga we conclude the two algorithms can be used as machine learning algorithm, given the speed of time of execution owned by Naïve Bayes Classifier then this algortima is still very worthy to be used as the core of the system to be developed. Keywords— vocational student, naïve bayes classifier, radian basis function network, achievement motivation student


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    One of the biggest problem for customer satisfaction is how to understand the user need and the user point of view, to make it visible social media is giving huge impact especially tweeter comment . However, the number of comments submitted is very large and become difficulty to analyse. Besides the comment data on Twitter is an unstructured type of data so that if processing uses a relational database engine the results obtained are not optimal. To deal with these problems, a big data approach is needed in data extraction combined with the comment data processing model. This study uses a combination of big data in data processing and lexicon based to analyse customer comments. Data processing using big data especially with the NoSQL approach is very effective and efficient in conducting searches on unstructured data because the search for big data is based on meta text rather than cardinality between data. While the lexicon based method used depends on the completeness of the dictionary used. The purpose of this study is to analyse comments and share whether they have positive, negative, or neutral sentiments so that they can be used as parameters in decision making in an organization

    Peningkatan Potensi Siswa pada Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja di SMAN 1 Jember melalui Pelatihan Startup Guna Menyukseskan Gerakan Nasional 1000 Startup Digital

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    The highest totally of unemployed are come from the graduated student of Senior High School. Unemployment due to Senior High School graduates student because they are not equipped with skills to work in their learning process, it is different from the Vocational High School students which equipped with skills to work because the vocational high school graduates students oriented to be able to work immediately after graduates. It is necessary to change the mindset of senior high school student from job seeker into job creator. One solution that can be offered is to equip senior high school student with the concept of start-up through skill development in extracurricular like Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja (KIR). The implementation of training start-up digital result show that their creation of application mock-up is feasible to developed in application based as website and android.Â

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru dengan Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Mendeley dalam Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah di SMA Negeri 1 Jember

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    Consequence of teachers as functional positions is that teachers are required to develop sustainable profession, so that teachers can perform their duties and functions professionally. Development of sustainable profession is the development of teacher competence that is carried out in accordance with the needs, gradual, continuous to improve the professionalism one of them with scientific publication. Writing scientific papers for teachers can serve as a reference or reference to improve insight and disseminate knowledge. The fact of making scientific writing is not an easy thing, and again lately there have been several cases of plagiarism becoming a concern. Therefore writing about plagiarism becomes one of the important things understood by teachers, to avoid themselves from plagiarism practices. With the results achieved by this dedication, it is hoped that the above matters can be resolved. The results of the devotion show the high enthusiasm of the participants, so even in the activity it does not include testing of teachers. Based on the conclusions obtained from the presenters, the trainees can follow and understand the material delivered properly. Based on these results, teachers SMAN 1 Jember and teachers who are members of the MGMP-Biology Kab. Jember can make good scientific work then


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    Teknik pengetahuan yang dimiliki petani secara tradisional memiliki beberapa kekurangan, salah satu yang paling utama adalah proses penentuan hama dan penyakit pada tanaman tembakau serta pemberian solusi yang memerlukan waktu cukup lama dan biaya yang cukup besar.Hal inilah yang seringkali membuat para petani tembakau mengalami kerugian. Dengan adanya sebuah sistem pakar maka para petani tembakau tidak akan mengalami kesulitan untuk mendiagnosa hama dan penyakityang menyerang tanaman tembakau. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dibuat suatu sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa hama dan penyakit pada tanaman tembakau menggunakandengan teknik penelusuran data forward chaining, dan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic.Net,serta menggunakan database MySQL. System ini diharapkan dapat menganalisa beberapa gejala yang ada sehingga dapat menghasilkan keluaran yang lebih akurat


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    This article aims to present the results of implementation and assessment of food safety system in a small dairy plant located in Kaligondo Area, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. A small dairy plant has developed by two groups of dairy cow farmers, Sumber Lumintu and Sido Makmur, and produces pasteurized fresh milk and its derivatives. There are some steps to implement food safety system including a diagnosis of prerequisites based on BPOM requirements, implementation of good manufacturing practices (GMPs), sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs), and hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP). Assessment results of initial diagnosis showed that conformity of 59 items observed achieved 76,1%. GMP, SSOP, and HACCP had met requirements for Kaligondo dairy plant. However, the main difficulties encountered for the implementation of food safety system were related to the implementation of actions established in the flow chart and to the need for constant training/adherence of the workers to the system. Despite this, the implementation of the food safety system was shown to be challenging, but feasible to be reached by small-scale food industries in Kaligondo area


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    Hamzah Collection adalah sebuah UKM perdagangan fashion di Kabupaten Jember yang sudah berjalan sejak tahun 2010. Selama ini pengelolaan barang dagangan sering mengalami kesalahan dikarenakan pencatatan stok barang masih dilakukan menggunakan tulisan tangan. Berdasarkan pemikiran diatas maka tim pengabdian pada masyarakat bermaksud mengadakan kegiatan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi pada bidang e-commerce, dengan Tema Kegiatan “Pemanfaatan E-Commerce Berbasis Android dan Digital Branding Pada UKM Hamzah Collecion Jemberâ€. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan UKM Hamzah Collection, mampu memaksimalkan aplikasi teknologi informasi khususnya berbasis Android dan memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut dalam menyediakan informasi yang akurat serta meningkatkan market share. Pengembangan aplikasi e-commerce berbasis android dimulai dengan pembuatan desain sistem berdasarkan hasil survey kebutuhan pengguna pada tahapan sebelumnya. Aplikasi yang dibuat berbasis android dengan memanfaatkan web service pada sisi server. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui usability dari aplikasi yang digunakan. Pengukuran usability menggunakan Use Questionaire. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran menunjukkan tingkat usefulness, easy of use, ease of learning dan satisfaction cukup memuaskan.  Kata Kunci— Pilih maksimum lima kata kunci atau frase yang diurutkan menurut abjad, dan dipisahkan dengan koma.Â

    Development of Modeling System of Motivation and Critical Thinking Skill of Vocational Student

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    The industrial revolution 4.0 had a significant impact on Indonesia, so Indonesia must prepare for that impact. Preparation begins with the improvement of the quality of competence possessed  by  college  graduates.  Polytechnic  is  a  vocational  high  school  that  aims  to  prepare graduates  with  certain  field  competencies  so  as  to  be  able  to  work  in  the  industrial  world professionally. Learning methods relevant to the competence of these graduates are the learning model  of  Student  Centered  Learning  (SCL)  covering  Problem,  Project,  and  Inquiry  Based Learning.  The  three  models  of  learning  require  direct  involvement  of  students  in  learning activities,  where  the  atmosphere  and  conditions  of  the  learning  environment  that  resemble business and industry. One of the important factors affecting student involvement in learning activities is the factor that comes from within the student itself. This study aims to model the level of motivation and critical thinking skills of students to determine the learning model used. The  modeling  results  with  the  Naive  Bayes  Classifier  show  an  accuracy  of 91.667% and 93.617%. The modeling results are used as a variable with the final class of the corresponding learning model. The final result is expected, the system is able to increase the motivation and critical  thinking  skills  of  the  students  for  the  implementation  of  the better learning  process

    Pengaruh Latihan Sepeda Virtual Terhadap Sensori-Motor Ekstremitas Bawah Pasien Pasca Stroke

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    Defisit neurologis yang sering didapati pasca stroke adalah penurunan fungsi sensorik dan motorik. Terapi rehabilitasi yang tepat akan memberikan pemulihan sensori motor yang optimal. Fisioterapi menggunakan modalitas latihan motorik berupa latihan sepeda virtual merupakan salah satu pilihan program rehabilitasi. Jenis latihan ini dapat memperbaiki fungsi keseimbangan dan koordinasi ekstrimitas bawah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan sepeda berbasis Virtual Reality Augmented Cycling (VRAC) terhadap respon sensorimotor pasien pasca stroke kronis. Rancangan penelitian adalah quasi experimental dengan post test only control group design. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 15 orang terbagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu 8 orang pasien pasca stroke dan 7 orang kontrol sehat, diambil secara purposive sampling dan telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua subyek mengikuti program latihan sepeda virtual 2 kali dalam seminggu selama 3 bulan di Poli Rehabilitasi Medik RSD Kalisat Jember. Respon sensorimotor diukur dari kecepatan kayuhan (RPM) dengan tiga lintasan. Data dideskripsikan dalam bentuk mean±SD dan dianalisis uji independent T-Test menggunakan SPSS V.22.0. Rata-rata kecepatan kayuhan pasien pasca stroke meningkat tiap minggu selama latihan. Terdapat perbedaan kayuhan pedal pada lintasan lebar, lintasan lebar berpenghalang dan lintasan sempit yang signifikan antara pasien pasca stroke dengan kontrol (p<0,001). Simpulan: Latihan sepeda virtual dapat memperbaiki sensorimotor pasien pasca stroke kronis